Wednesday, February 6, 2013


A finger on a switch makes light
To brush our teeth, to pour our water.
But this dim spark in the wider world
Quickens few eyes, and
Does not shoulder off the cold.

A forebear lit a fire
To flicker on his face
And other faces near the fire.
It was warmth and light.
He fed it fuel to make it live.

The sun comes up.
It floods the wood with life and light.
It kindles the earth.
It is the cadence of our journeys
In every generation.

So God’s knowledge is to ours.
A genius searches into the infinite;
The end of his search is to know almost a sliver.
But God’s word alone opened the cosmos,
And all things of knowing.

So God’s love is to ours.
His heart warms to what he has made,
To men and women across the earth and years.
He sent his son to the risk of the world,
To death and to hell, to save.

So God’s wisdom is to ours.
His wisdom burst the stars across creation.
It made time, it made space,
It made nature in its hardiness, harmony, and bloom.
It makes way through harsh valleys to the high place.

So God’s mercy is to ours.
The sun glows on those who sin,
On those who simmer in gall,
On those who kill,
On those who call out "Crucify!"

God’s knowledge, love, wisdom, and mercy
Are over our minds as the sun is above
Temples, towers, rockets, and jets.
Satellites of searching sweep past the mind of God,
And send back signals, but God is greater than we know.