A person who is becoming dear to me invited me to read her list of 25 things about herself, and to write a list about myself. Here is that list.
1. This I know: if you think that someone has stolen from you, you’re probably wrong; if you think someone meant to put you down without seeming to, you’re probably right; you don’t know a fraction of the times someone has lied to you.
2. This I know: if you can’t get what you want, figure out what you can get.
3. This I know: it’s harder for young people to bear disappointment, because they have less experience with it. Experience can make older people strong.
4. I want life to be easy, but I’m willing for life to be hard.
5. This I know: If Satan took random people up, and he showed them all the Kingdoms of the Earth, and said he would give it all to them, but they had to bow down and worship him, a lot of people would at least think about it. That's a serious understatement.
6. I believe that I regret every unkindness I have done.
7. Sometimes I think of the perfect putdown after a conversation; a little later I’m usually glad that I didn’t think of it until after the conversation ended.
8. Swimming makes me happy.
9. Seeing open space in nature makes me feel young.
10. This I know: time spent looking at clouds in a clear sky is time well spent.
11. I enjoy scuba diving, like those moments when you’re suspended above a rich, colorful bottom; you’re surrounded by fearless fish; and above you, the sun refracts across the water and looks like a brilliant Milky Way stretched across the sky.
12. This I know: travel makes for excellent memories.
13. I make my living because people aren’t truthful. If all people were truthful, I would have to become a potato farmer. I say that with all respect to potato farmers.
14. I enjoy arguing in court. After so many years, sometimes I do it well. It’s rewarding to leave a hearing and think that you’ve said everything you needed to say.
15. This I know: in every jury trial, something happens that you completely did not expect. When it happens, you just have to deal with it. You’re better off if you know it’s coming.
16. This I know: you should never boast about being truthful, because you’ll soon find yourself telling a lie.
17. This I know: kindness is an irreplaceable virtue in yourself and in your partner.
18. This I know: cruel people make people cruel.
19. I enjoy language more and more as I grow older. I read the classics to enjoy the writing in books that have stood the test of time. I’m a sucker for a book if I read that the author writes good sentences. It is a pleasure to enjoy language, and it’s a worthy pleasure.
20. When I stopped wasting time on television, I started wasting time on the internet.
21. This I know: courage is an irreplaceable virtue.
22. I’m a little bit in love with everything I write.
23. When I was young, I was too picky to get married; now that I’m older, I’m afraid that the women are too picky for me to get married.
24. This I believe: improving your ability to speak and write improves your ability to think.
25. I value new experiences, so that the days don’t jet by one after another, indistinct.
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