Saturday, August 20, 2011

Principles of Power and Reality Among Nations

Maybe these 20 principles of foreign policy are "liberal"; maybe they’re "conservative". I think they’re obvious. Sometimes America follows them; sometimes it doesn’t.

Assets in foreign affairs.

1. Goodwill among nations sometimes makes it possible to avoid bloodshed. Ill will makes bloodshed more likely.

2. The loyalty of its own people is a nation’s powerful asset in foreign affairs.

3. The vigor of its own people is a nation’s powerful asset in foreign affairs.

4. Knowledge is power.

Friends and enemies in foreign affairs

5. Favor the people over the powerful.

6. Cruel regimes dread a democracy that acts as good at it knows how to.

7. The desperate and the fearful and the angry are drawn to war; the comfortable and the calm aren’t. Therefore, we benefit from comfortable, calm adversaries.

8. "A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend." – Azerbaijan proverb

Negotiation in foreign affairs.

9.  "Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate." – John F Kennedy

10. With the shrewd, be shrewd. With the gentle, be gentle.

War in foreign affairs.

11. A nation that goes to war should have a plan to finish it.

12. A nation that goes to war should have a plan to pay for it.

13. A nation shouldn’t go to war if the stakes don’t warrant decimation of its best.

14. War calls for sacrifice by the whole nation, not just by those who fight and by their families.

Virtue and its opposite in foreign affairs.

15. If you fight for the right, you might not always win, but you’ll always be right.

16. It’s better to practice morality than to preach it.

17. A strong and upright nation gives hope to the world.

18. Don’t be too virtuous.

Reality in foreign affairs.

19. Total security demands complete power. No nation has complete power

20. Nothing is certain.

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