Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top 5 reasons why Mitt Romney won’t say what tax loopholes he would close as president

Mitt Romney has promised to cut taxes for everybody, from billionaires to shoe-buffers, by 20 percent. But he promises that that won't increase the deficit, because he'll make the revenue up by closing loopholes.

Non-partisan tax analysists say that to make up the revenue, he'll have to close middle-class loopholes, and the net effect would be that the rich will pay less in taxes and the middle-class will pay more.

So far, Romney hasn't proved that this ain't so by saying what tax loopholes he would close. Here are possible reasons.
1. The list is so brilliant that it would create an impossibly high level of expectation for his presidency.

2. National security is the issue: all of the loopholes he would close are secret loopholes for extra-terrestrials.

3. His secret plan is not to close tax loopholes. He’ll make up the revenue from his tax cuts by having TSA steal cameras and computers from the luggage of foreigners coming into the country.

4. His secret pan is not to close tax loopholes. He’ll make up the revenue from his tax cuts by selling the 47% to Chinese electronics-assembly factories. He’s already said he doesn’t care about those people.

5. "The truth? You can’t handle the truth!".

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